Party time
The girls had their party today....and it was a PERFECT day for it!!
Olivia picked a princess castle cake for me to make her...
...and Bella wanted me to make her a 'Rainbow butterfly cupcake cake'...
There was a treasure chest pinata (which we didn't let the big kids do, as last year some of the little ones got trampled)...
....with lots of goodies inside!!
Bella got some makeup that she put on her friends....
...didn't she make Keira beautiful??
Ty entertained himself in the little bouncy.....
...while the other kids played in the big bouncy house!
They ended the day tired, with a little hula hooping...
It was a fabulous party...the girls got SOOOOO many wonderful gifts. The weather was gorgeous, hot and the big kids spent the whole time in the pool.
Olivia had wanted to do 'pin the tail on the donkey', and we forgot to bring it out...oops!!
Happy Birthday Bella and Olivia!!