Bye-bye binky
The binky fairy paid a visit to our house last night. My sweet Olivia, just turned 4, and she knew that when she turned 4, she could have her binky no longer. As it was, binky was for bedtime/naptime only....but I was reaaaaaaaaaaaally scared about her reaction. Well, she woke up this morning, excited to find a wad of cash ($10, which felt like $100 to her)...covered in 'fairy dust' (aka glitter)....and not a tear has been shed (knock on wood).
Here she is once she fell asleep last night....and when she woke up this morning...
Here she is once she fell asleep last night....and when she woke up this morning...

That is a big step... my girls sucked their thumbs and it was so hard to stop... their motivation was to get to go to a tea room with their Grammie and me. But they had to stop sucking for 30 days. Ms. S was especially hard and even after we had "cleared" her she would continue to suck it when she was deep in REM sleep. Now it has stopped finally!
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