Saturday, September 1, 2012


We went to the lake later this afternoon (after naptime)!  It was a little chillier than its been, but it didn't stop the kids from going in the water!

Ty had fun throwing water for awhile....
..and then started dumping it over his head, lol...
Olivia was a fish (did I mention it was CHILLY out)...
Lexi was fish hunting....
Bella fell asleep on the way there, since she refused to nap with Ty (its only a 15 minute car ride), so she was not so perky, lol, AND cold even though she didn't go in the water...
And then Andrew refused to go in the water, lol, after he had to peel a leech off of his leg (**gag**)...Lexi made fun of him...
...but it didn't stop Olivia and Ty from swimming (gagging some more)...
...while Bella watched...
Bella never once went in the water....she then hung out on the lifeguard chair...
...and then Ty's whole body was shivering (did I mention it was cold), and he decided he was done, and home we went...


Kristal September 1, 2012 at 8:42 PM  

So much fun! Sorry it was so cold. My kids jumped in the pool Friday and it was cold. Think that was our last time {it closes Monday}.

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I'm a stay at home mom of 3 gorgeous little girls and one hunka chunka baby boy! Photography is a passion of mine, and I'm always practicing and experimenting on my babies, and other kids I can get my hands on!

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'Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.'
-Aaron Siskind

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