Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby bird

We found a baby bird in our yard....lying under a pine tree. When we first found him, he was lying flat on his back...looking so helpless, with my dog and 2 cats lurking around him. Eventually he got himself upright....
So, I called Animal Control...and they wouldn't come. So, I called a small animal vet for advice, as I could only imagine my cats or dog getting ahold of it! She told me it was a fledgling, and that I should pick it up and bring it to the woods if I thought it was in danger.... I brought it down the street, and watched it hop into the woods. Came home and googled 'fledgling', and it told me to leave it NEAR the parents...that its parents would bring it food and help protect it until it could fly. I went back and searched for a 1/2 hour, couldn't find the bird....thought about it allll night long, thinking I gave it a death sentence. The kids and I went down the street this morning, and after searching for it for about a half hour (in the 100 degree weather), we found it...thank goodness.
So, I brought him home, and let him down near the trees....and heard loud chirping. The kids and I watched as its mother and father swooped down to him. When the bird would try to hop to the street, they would block him....they guided him to some large bushes behind our house. It was so sweet to watch....and I was so happy that we found him and could bring him back to his mother!
I'm such a was a touching moment, and I was glad that my girls got to see it, as I know they won't forget it. I wish I had my camera with me when we brought him back, but I was wrangling Ty, and trying to catch my cats to put them in the house, lol (and yes, I've left them locked in the house for the day). Keith makes fun of me, but I can only imagine how happy that momma was when I brought back her baby!


Kristal July 23, 2011 at 10:16 AM  

How sweet of you. I'd do the same thing and Rich would be just like your hubby! Love the shot of the bird in your hand!

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I'm a stay at home mom of 3 gorgeous little girls and one hunka chunka baby boy! Photography is a passion of mine, and I'm always practicing and experimenting on my babies, and other kids I can get my hands on!

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'Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.'
-Aaron Siskind

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